LINEN BLOG | SANDARA — minimalism

Online shopping that brings pleasure and benefits

minimalism sustainability

Online shopping that brings pleasure and benefits

The Internet space is limitless. But by choosing online, we are saving our planet to some extent. What should we pay attention that online shopping does not disappoint?

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5R rules for clothing: rewear, reduce, repair, resell, recycle

minimalism sustainability

5R rules for clothing: rewear, reduce, repair, resell, recycle

Zero Waste global environmental movement is globally aimed at reducing the amount of waste. Locally, this is expressed in getting rid of unnecessary things in the living space. It is achieved by observing 5 simple rules, which I will describe in details.

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Basic things save your time

brand minimalism sustainability

Basic things save your time

84% of buyers still make impulsive purchases. But why does buying basic things save your time?

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Famous women and Minimalism

inspiration minimalism

Famous women and Minimalism

Can these women change their luxurious designer outfits every day? Yes. Do they do it? No! Because they prefer stylish, but comfortable clothes without too much chic and shine.

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When less is more


When less is more

This phrase was said by the modernist architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the first half of the 20th century. Why is minimalism so popular recently? It is obvious that time itself pushes people to simplify everything around.

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