Black. Not a boring color at all!

⁣Let's thank the legendary Frenchwoman Coco Chanel and her little black dress for the opportunity to enjoy elegant and luxurious looks of this deep color. Because for a long time black was worn only on the occasion of mourning, and until the 19th century only the richest people could afford to dress up in it. The black dye was very expensive.⠀ ⠀

Today, no one cares about any prejudices anymore. And we are happy to choose black clothes and accessories for ourselves.⠀ ⠀

Why do they get into our wardrobe so easily, regardless of fashion trends and the time of year?⠀ ⠀

- It is difficult to find a more practical color to wear than black;⠀ ⠀

- Versatile black clothing is perfectly combined with other shades. Therefore, it will fit into absolutely any wardrobe;

- A solemn event or an official meeting – in any setting, black will be appropriate;⠀

- Many people especially like black color for the wonderful ability to make the figure slimmer and more refined.⠀ ⠀

Please share with us why do you choose things in black?

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